04 October 2010

a headline from today

City Regional Chamber of Commerce Bi-Weekly News Digest, Week Ending Fri., Oct. 1, 2010

Is It Over For Bernero?

The airwaves are dark for Democratic Gubernatorial nominee Lansing Mayor Virgil Bernero -- leaving pundits to wonder whether the tide has gone out on the Democrat's gubernatorial hopes.
"It was openly asked on the Off the Record show and elsewhere a few weeks ago. That was: What was the maximum amount of time Bernero had in which to try to change the race before the Democrats started pulling money from his race to be divvyed up for other races?" Inside Michigan Politics Editor Bill Ballenger told MIRS. "People generally estimated that he had about two weeks, or until the end of the month. Now here we are . . . so it's not surprising that we're talking about this right now."
Apparently what has been happening is as follows:
A little over a week ago the TV ad activity for the Bernero campaign, which had been fast and furious in mid-September, slipped off the cliff. The word was that Bernero was out of money. His campaign hasn't made a buy since Sept. 22. A few days later the Michigan Democratic Party (MDP) stepped in with a $200,000 cable TV buy for Bernero. Then as the end of last week neared a second $200,000 MDP buy for Bernero was supposedly coming, but according to those watching in the opposing camp, it never happened.
A well-placed source has told MIRS that the Democrats are polling to try and find out what, if any, effect Bernero's mid-September ad blitz had. Insiders say that unless the ads did more than shore up the Democratic base a bit and push a few Snyder supporters back into the undecided column, potential Democratic financial backers aren't likely to be impressed.

Politics aside, why in HE** does money become the deciding factor on the potential for an election of any kind? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY does it have to be this way??????????

lovely africa

lovely africa