31 August 2011

Frustration with the First Amendment (momentarily)

Sitting in my car at a stoplight today, I was infuriated by the Mercedes SUV in front of me, and it's bumper stickers. "NOBAMA 2012" & "OneBigAssMistakeAmerica". I honestly had a moment where I felt a sort of inner-rage take over the area in & around my solar plexus, and in fact, I wanted to rev my engine & drive into & over; (crushing) this lone, impeccably white, Mercedes SUV & Obama 'naysayer'.

A long day at work & the hustle across town had me multi-tasking--listening to the regularly-scheduled afternoon program on our local NPR station (http://ipr.interlochen.org/), my mind was abuzz with the after work to do list (gardening, house-tidying & packing; grocery shopping, potluck-prepping, etc). In addition, I was on my way to the local hospital, where my young nephew Jack, was about to leave the recovery room after his first surgical procedure (a tonsil & adenoid-ectomy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonsillectomy), so I imagine that a part of my psyche was worried for him--I endured the same procedure when I was his age, some 31 years ago, and it hurt like hell.

So there I sat, at my red light in Traverse City, MI. Angry. Frustrated. Feeling almost violent. And then the light turned green & I shook my head (at myself). I would never hurt a flea (well, if it were chomping on my puppy Ruby I might!) But seriously... I am pro-peace, not pro-violence. My frustration is probably equally felt (albeit from the opposite vantage point) by said impeccably white Mercedes SUV driver... especially when they see things like these, on cars like mine...

The First Amendment Rules!

lovely africa

lovely africa