i winced through the collection of condensation on the doorway glass and glimpsed evening enveloping the long, wet day. whisking into the kitchen, grabbing a heavy-bottomed glass bottle of olive oil, i turned on the burner, bent for the large, flat iron pan, and busied myself collating an array of colorful ingredients on the black of my kitchen's counter top.
a feast of flavor was my want to create. that no invited guests were yet knocking on the door, or for that matter, on their way, was secondary to the want.
a full house, with lively laughter, children? the color and light of personalities at ease in the simple comforts of surroundings which sooth and welcome. my only wish.
and if you build it, they will come, a mantra, i determined to exercise, that day, in my kitchen. with jazz welling in the background, it seemed my jade and aloe plants were swaying, to and fro, imbibing in the splendor of low-key. of good vibe. of the effects of ‘good guys’ on their particular corner of the planet.
and if you cook it, will they come? and if you open that heart, will it fill? and if you nurture that spirit once hungry, will it grow...grow to love?
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