07 November 2008


take that hand and rapt, is it.

the fury of sweat and intimacy…
all hot breath on your ear, neck, breast.
whispery fragments of semantics—the broken English of the lustily-imbibed.
splintered substance in the
sometimes-sentences, often
that spill,
across the warm, goose-flesh-induced span of curved torso, oblique, trapezoidal space.
litany’s of run-ons, answered with lip or grip of strong, deeply grooved, muscled entities which lift and push and grapple; softly, and tussle, less so…
grating against hip bone, all red-heat-sinew-force
and swirled inhalation.
Reach around and into and through. Coax a little breath from empty corpuscle. Contemplating stop, start, cease, continue.

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lovely africa

lovely africa