21 November 2008

speaking your mind, even when your voice shakes (m. kuhn)

means taking risks that you've got to live with.
means writing checks your body should be prepared to cash.
means rising above, when it feels like falling on your knees is the only option left.
means disappointing a number of hearts who'll never quite fathom the depth of your diving pool.
means overcoming the doubts that cause you to tremble and retreat and second guess.
means you'll be alone, a lot, and there's no need to hate yourself for it.
means doing the right thing.
means being brave.
means being who you know in your heart that you are and deserve to be.
means you can walk away, head held high.
means you have the right to say nothing at all.
means you can learn to decipher when its best to say nothing at all.
means sometimes, speaking your mind, requires not a word.
at all.

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lovely africa

lovely africa